Worship & Arts

Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
– Psalm 100:2 (NIV)

Thank you for visiting our Worship and Arts Ministry page. We are excited about what God is doing through the Worship and Arts and praise Him that He may be leading you to be a part of it. What an exciting time to be a part of the Worship and Arts ministry of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church.

I am blessed to partner with an amazing group of people who love God and clearly are passionate about their assignment in the Lord’s house. Over the years I’ve often thanked God for the privilege of serving Him in the music and worship ministry. God has richly blessed us with faithful and talented team members. Week in and week out through the power of the Holy Spirit, these dear people help to create environments that enable people to engage with God.

From weekly worship services to concerts, special programming and productions, the opportunities for participation are year-round and could prove to be life changing!”

Willie J. Mason
Minister of Worship and Arts

The Worship and Arts Ministry of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church is committed to promoting the worship of God in spirit (reverence, attentiveness, right purpose of honoring God) and in truth (God’s word) through the arts. It is our goal to inspire, encourage, train, and direct those whom God has called into the worship ministry with a spirit of service and excellence. Our worship is focused on the following:

  • Glorify
  • Honor
  • Praise
  • Exalt

Getting Involved:

The goal of the Worship and Arts Ministry is to inspire and train Galilee Missionary Baptist Church members, whom God has called into ministry, to pursue excellence in performance with an attitude of humility, purity, sensitivity and strength. This being the case, our priority is to mentor and encourage all who consider Galilee their home. If you are an instrumentalist, vocalist, actor, dancer, writer, or if you enjoy working behind-the-scenes in a production ministry such as audio, video, lighting, staging, set building or if you have a passion for the worship and arts ministry… we need you!

We have a space and will align you in a ministry where you can serve God with your gifts and talents.

The Worship and Arts Cabinet

The Worship and Arts Cabinet is designed to groom ministry leaders and help individuals work collaboratively in a diverse organizational setting.

Enhancing communication skills, learning to assign tasks and developing team-building skills are important elements of this goal. Additionally, better understanding of one’s self (e.g., learning style, values, aspirations, etc.) and learning to submit to the Spirit of God under stressful circumstances is the keys to the development of effective leaders. These actions are the central themes of meetings, which are held monthly.


Galilee Missionary Baptist Church is blessed to have the Worship and Arts ministry as a vital part of the overall ministry of the church. The Worship and Arts ministry provides opportunity for lay members of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church to serve and grow. Our focus in this ministry is to provide opportunities for seasonal worship collaboration of all of our ministry teams.

Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand.
– (1 Corinthians 14:15, NLT)

The Worship and Arts Ministry Department consists of the following:
  • Worship Team
  • Choirs
  • Liturgical Dance
  • Mime
  • Step (for all ages)

Worship Band

The worship band consists of “gifted”, “spiritual”, “humble” and “anointed” instrumentalists who are the main “upfront” team to lead congregational worship on Sunday mornings and for special worship services. It is important that current members and new applicants have strong musical proficiency playing an instrument since is the “face” of worship at Galilee each Sunday.
The worship band performs music for services in the church, including functions such as weddings and funerals and special events as outlined by the Pastor’s administrative executive team. Under the leadership of the Music Director, they plan out what music to play and spend considerable time practicing. Musicians may be called upon to accompany the Pastor to engagements both locally and nationally.
The Music Director schedules regular musician rehearsals to prepare for worship services and other special events.

If you are an active member of Galilee Baptist Church and have a desire to share your musical gift, please contact Tony Mitchell at tonymitchell@live.com

In our ministry vision, we would like to include, horns, strings and other musical instruments to enhance the music ministry of our church.


Music Director
Tony Mitchell

Micah Nelson

Maurice Davis

Willie Bellamy
Bass Guitar

Ronald Sadler
Lead Guitar

Brandon Robertson

Worship Team

Membership on the worship team is a privilege, not a right. The purpose of the worship team members is not to showcase their talents or to draw attention to themselves, in any way; rather, it is to unselfishly and inconspicuously direct the hearts of those they are leading toward God in worship.

The Worship Team is a group of committed singers who assist the worship leader every week. Members must have vocal skill and a heart for worship. Interviews and vocal placements are required. A prerequisite for being in the worship team is being a dedicated and active member of the church’s main choir.

The team ministers in both worship services on the second Sunday.

In some instances, as designated by the Minister of Worship and Arts, the worship team will accompany the pastor and provide music.


The choir is a wonderful opportunity to inspire worship and glorify God in a chorus of voices. It is a wonderful application of 1st Corinthians 12 as the many parts join together to form one beautiful sound. Most choir rehearsals are held on Tuesday(s) at 7 p.m., and designated times on Saturday(s). There are various aspects of being a choir member – most importantly, with dedication, choir members, even though volunteers, should be able to commit to the rules and accompanying responsibilities in attending rehearsals on a consistent basis.

Voices of Galilee
This choir serves as the main choir of the church and is open to all members of the church. The Voices of Galilee shares in music ministry on the 1st and 5th Sundays. This choir accompanies Pastor Scovens in outside ministry engagement and as designated for special events.

Male Chorus
The Male Chorus is comprised of Galilee men who enjoy lifting up the name of Jesus. The group shares in music ministry on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Chosen Generation

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light
1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)

Chosen Generation provides an opportunity for our young adults (ages 18-30) to worship God in music ministry. They share in music ministry on the 4th Sundays. For more information contact Kenneth Mason @ chosenyam@gmbcwsnc.org


Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the tumbrel and harp.
– Psalm 149:3

The Dance and Flag/Banner Ministry of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church is comprised of purpose driven individuals who have been called to praise the Lord through music and dance. The humble praisers and worshippers offer themselves as a living example of genuine and authentic praise; Christ is glorified when they leap for joy, are moved by the spirit, and dance like David danced.

If you would like to be part of a new opportunity to lift our praises through dance, please contact as follows:

God’s Lil Angels/Lil Armor Bearer
(Grades K-7) – 6:00-7:00 p.m. (Every other Monday)
Contact: Tamisha Clark, vdclark@hotmail.com336.416.2935

Heavenly Divine
(Ages 13-18, Grades 8-12) – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., Monday (as designated)

Unity & Women of Praise
(Ages 18-50+) – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Monday(s)
Contact: Tamisha Clark

Golden Treasures
(Ages 50+) – 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Monday(s), 10 a.m., Saturday(s)
Contact: Linda Gregg, linda-gregg@att.net336.413.3084

Flag and Banner Ministry
(Any Age) – As Designated
Contact: Tiffany McMasters, tpmcmasters@gmail.com, 336.602.6813

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
– Psalm 16:11

Mime ministry involves drastic movements, facial expressions, and hand signs to depict God’s Word, God’s will, life’s struggles and accomplishments. The responsibility of every mime is to bring the word of God to life with great intensity and divine excellence! Ministering Mime is interpreting gospel music, using illustrations and non-verbal methods to allow the congregation to understand what you are doing, just like Ezekiel demonstrated in the Old Testament. The group rehearses on Thursday(s) as follows:

Kidz Mime
(Ages 6-12) – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Silent Witness
(Ages 13-18) – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Praise in Motion
(Ages 18+) – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

If you would like to be part of a new opportunity to lift praises through mime, please contact Keya Leak at keya.cherry@gmail.com or (336) 926-4778


In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
– Proverbs 16:9

GMBC Steppers for Christ gives young people exposure to another form of fun-filled praise. Under the leadership, youth will gain coordination and confidence in their ability, all while giving God all the Honor and Praise.

If you would like to be part of a new opportunity to lift our praises through dance, please contact James Leach, jlleach@wsfcs.nc.us or (336) 575.0018. GMBC Steppers for Christ (Ages 8+) – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m., designated Thursday(s)

The dance, mime and step ministries ministers during praise and worship and renders sacred dance selections on the each Sunday (except 1st Sunday) and special events.

As a member of the Worship and Arts Department of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, we commit to the following:


  • The pursuit of a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Living a lifestyle of Christian integrity both publicly and privately before our Lord, knowing that involvement in this public music ministry places me in a position of representing our Lord and His Church.
  • Consistent devotion to God resulting in an authentic lifestyle of private and public worship, knowing that my private worship sets the tone to help me lead the church in worship.
  • Upholding an uncompromising standard of moral and spiritual integrity. Study and Tithe!


  • Active involvement in the ministry of our church by faithfully attending services and sitting under the preaching of the Word.
  • Upholding and supporting the mission of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church.
  • Upholding and supporting the God-called leadership of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church.
  • Study and Tithe!


  • Contributing to a positive spirit and Christ-honoring attitude in the group.
  • Preserving the unity of the body by not participating in gossip or negative conversation.
  • Faithful attendance at rehearsals and to my leadership responsibilities as a choir/dance/mime/musician member at ECTI and other music ministry events, including any other all-church worship events which we have been asked to lead.
  • An understanding that consistent absences will call into question my ability to participate and that if I have specific concerns or situations, I will notify the worship and arts office.
  • An understanding that if I will be absent from rehearsal or on a particular Sunday, it is my responsibility to let your respective ministry leader know.
  • Being on time and focused at all rehearsals is critical to each ministry team’s effectiveness and success.

These points of commitment are meant to bring clarity and help manage expectations. Remember, we live by grace. We might find that some of the above expectations are simply not realistic or practical and may need to be adjusted. In the meantime, thanks for understanding and doing your best to be a team player in this ministry.


Contact the Worship and Arts Music Office for more information about any of our ministries.