Our Ministries
Welcome to Galilee Missionary Baptist Church Ministries. It is time for you to get involved, meet people with similar interests, and fellowship together while advancing the Kingdom of God. We have several ministries and we would love for you to join one. Please contact our Connections Cordinator Michelle James at gmbcconections@gmbcwsnc.org.
Galilee Youth Ministry
Sonshine Kids Nursery: Ages 1-4
Sea of Galilee: Grades 1st-5th
More Than Conquerors: Middle & High School
Ministry Leaders: Denise McCoy & Crystal Murphy
Email: seaofgalilee@gmbcwsnc.org
CHOSEN Young Adult Ministry
Our vibrant young adult community, catering to those between the ages of 18 and 35, offers a nurturing environment where young adults within our church can journey alongside fellow believers and practice their faith. It’s a haven for everyone, whether you’re a lifelong churchgoer or a curious skeptic seeking answers. There’s a special place here for you!
Email: chosenyam@gmbcwsnc.org
Men’s Ministry
We hold the conviction that, just as iron sharpens iron, we reach our highest potential when we unite within a community. Our mission is to empower men to manifest their faith, nurture their homes, and leave a lasting impact on their community. We are dedicated to facilitating men’s growth through purposeful discipleship within our small groups and fostering a strong sense of community through our fellowship gatherings.
Ministry Leader: Marcus Sanderlin
Sisters of Strength Women’s Ministry
Sisters of Strength is dedicated to the worship of God through intentional connections, discipleship, and the empowerment of women within both local and global communities. Our mission is to serve multiple generations by fortifying families, nurturing supportive relationships, and fostering spiritual growth in Christ.
Ministry Leader: First Lady Scovens
Marriage Ministry
The mission of this ministry is to prepare and enrich engaged and married individuals, ensuring their marriages flourish with both husbands and wives growing together as one. Our aim is to elevate the prevalence of successful and joy-filled marriages by equipping couples with the essential tools and skills needed to thrive.
Ministry Leaders: Paul & Yolanda Childs
Senior Ministry
The Seniors Ministry comprises a group of compassionate and mature members, committed to fulfilling God’s promise to humanity by extending a helping hand through service and activities, rather than handouts, to those in need.
Ministry Leader: Carolyn Mayo
There are many opportunities to serve at Galilee. If you would like to serve on one of our teams, click the button below.